Signature Analysis of Naresh Goyal of Jet Airways

Signature Analysis of celebrities


Naresh Goyal

By- Paresh Chitnis

Naresh Goyal is the founder of Jet airways. His signature analysis is as below

  1. Very large and sharp first letter N: He is a very analytical and shrewd person. As a leader he is very diplomatic. He can be harsh and egoistic.
  2. First name and surname in signature: Such people are emotional and dedicated to their profession. They also work in their own style. They create many new leaders. Naresh Goyal is an emotional leader. He is people oriented and works in his own way.
  3. Big loops in upper zone: He is open minded person. He can try many different ways to handle the situations. Since the loops are too big it means that the trait of open mindedness will work against him. He will get confused due to many problems to handle.
  4. Wavy Baseline: This is the biggest weakness of this great leader. He is not focused on what he wants. He will get distracted and loose the sight of the goal. This will keep him busy in less important things.
  5. Illegible signature: The first name in signature Naresh is not legible. He will not want to be in the forefront while solving problems in crisis. Letter e is closed so he will not listen to anyone while making decisions. The Sahara deal is said to be a very overvalued autocratic decision.
  6. Y does not go in the lower zone: Goyal has risen from rags to riches. He was once the 16th richest person in the world Forbes list of the rich. He has no desire for wealth. Wealth will keep fluctuating.
  7. Last letter of signature has a big upper zone loop in letter l: He will always have options open. He will never give up.
  8. Partial underscore: Naresh Goyal finds himself more supported in his business but does not feel that he has support from people as an individual.

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